All-in-One Calculator is the ultimate calculator app for Android, offering a comprehensive range of features to meet all your calculation needs.
✔ Perform basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
✔ Advanced mode supports scientific functions, including trigonometry, logarithms, and exponentials
✔ Percentage key for quick percentage additions and subtractions
📏 Unit Conversion
✔ Convert between commonly used units for length, mass, temperature, area, and volume
🏗️ Construction
✔ Right triangle calculator (3-4-5 rule)
✔ Calculate the area and volume of geometric shapes
✔ Land area calculator with compass support
💰 Finance
✔ Savings and loan repayment calculators
✔ Interest calculations (simple & compound interest)
✔ Currency converter (updated 4 times daily)
🛒 Everyday Math
✔ Fraction addition and subtraction
✔ Shopping & dining tools: discount price, tip amount, and price per unit
✔ Business tools: profit margin and tax-inclusive/exclusive price calculations
📅 Date & Time
✔ Add or subtract days, weeks, or months to find past or future dates
✔ Calculate the number of days between two dates
🩺 Health
✔ Age calculator
✔ BMI calculator
Download All-in-One Calculator today and simplify your calculations with ease!